Sunday, February 8, 2009

When I no longer thrill to the first snow of the season, I'll know I'm growing old. - Lady Bird Johnson

Here we are in Flagstaff for the weekend! The snow has fallend pretty heavy last night I hope to get pictures of the fresh fall- but for now you can view the adventures of Logan and I in the snow yesterday!

This is BJ, Devon (in Red) and Logan in their first adventure in the snow yesterday. The backyard of the cabin had enough to get them used to it..

The poor little guy had on so many layers to keep warm he couldn't move! Much reminiscent to A Christmas Story! After a while he got a little sleepy and he'd had enough snow for the day and crashed out.

Friday, February 6, 2009

To Be Buddah On The Mountain...

Start of a New Year, continuance of a New Life... boy life has been busy :)

We recently celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas, my Birthday and after all of that Eric's Birthday (all of which I should add pictures, but I'm at work.. shhh...)

New News and Events for this year have been my contract with Scottsdale Models! I have been working promotional gigs around the Valley for liquor companies and I should begin seeing more opportunities arise. The work is part-part time but the money is good and I enjoy it!

I also started back to school at ASU this semester (I'll throw in a toke Go Devils! for all of you) I am only enrolled in 9 credits but working 45+ hours a week and going to school and keeping up with homework has proven taxing, but I'm trying my best to keep it all balanced and peaceful. (Hence remaining Buddah on the Mountain)

Eric has been working hard on School and finished his first round of courses with amazing grades (I'll say it- 2 A's and a B +) He should be finished by the end of this year with 2 certificates and closer to his degree! He is still working full time at the warehouse and on the weekends doing security

What can I say- we are quite the busy couple :)